Unlock Your Gifts As A Conscious Creator

A 6 Week Guided Group Journey

Your Unique Creative Expression Is The Key To Unlocking Your Magnetism And Your Gifts As The Conscious Creator Of Your Life

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Are you ready to become a conscious participant in the creation of a reality that is in alignment with your deepest prayers and intentions?
By opening the flow of your creative channel through Intentional Sacred Art Alchemy, you will reconnect yourself to the unified field, and all of the synchronicities and magick that come as a result of your connection to the natural intelligence of all of life will reignite the power within the native language of your sacred imagination. 

This six week online course will powerfully support you in directing your channel as a conscious creator of what you came here to do, and by tapping into the language of your creative expression you will learn how to direct the power of your creative source energy to design, amplify, clence, clear and attune the vibrational field of your energy through conscious casting to align the highest embodied presence of your fullest creative self-expression into form as you step deeper into the sacred play of your scared imagination.

Creativity Is the Source of ABUnDANCE

Sacred Art Alchemy serves as a catalyst for you to anchor the full embodiment of your highest, most creative self. As you step into this heightened alignment, your magnetism and point of attraction naturally increases.

This work is a refinement of the self, we sculpt the reality we wish to live by consciously rewriting the patterns and beliefs that we have been operating from, in order to bring our deepest intentions into form. 

This 6 week journey integrates healing Arts modalities specifically tailored to enhance your sacred connection to your unique genius.

These modalities include various forms of guided soul journey meditations, interpretative movement, voice and Spirit language activation, shamanic Art therapy, channeled drawing, creative writing and sacred symbolic mapping.

The language of Art is our native tongue that speaks directly from our soul.

Our creativity and imagination must be used with focused intention in order to create the results we most desire.

You are the myth-maker, the dreamer of this dream and it is time now for you to remember that this is your birthright. You are the Art you are the artist and architect of your reality.

This course is designed to support you in activating your highest personal creative mastery.

It’s time to fully step into the Art that you are and are meant to share with the world.

This work is about the connection between spirituality and creativity.

Art is inspiration = in-spirit = creativity is an expression of our spirituality. 

As we tap into the intuitive channelled states of our creativity and connect to the direct line of our Art, we awaken the remembrance of the power of our true magick and inherent sacred intuitive channel within our creative nature, one with the rhythm of spirit.

Themes Covered In This 6 Week Journey:

  • Develop your Daily Sacred Art rytual Practice
  • Somatic integration work using intuitive movement and sound 
  • Energetic grid-work 
  • Clearing your channel to align yourself to the greatest expression of your divine purpose 
  • Reclaiming your sacred imagination
  • Opening the channel of your divine mediumship 
  • Voice activation /  Spirit Language attunement 
  • Intuitive channeled drawing 
  • Symbolic mapping 
  • Activating your Divine Avatar / sculpting your reality 
  • Conscious casting

When we realize we are the Art, we also realize we are the creator

As you move through the waves of your Sacred Art Journey, a restructuring takes place and a release of this creative paradigm of confinement, and repression from within our own conscious and unconscious state of mind transforms into a flow-state of channeled creativelive expression.

Are you ready to…

☆ Activate your inner compass

☆ Tap into your intuition

☆ Strengthen your connection to Source 

☆ Channel your own healing medicine through creativity

We are here to awaken and claim our rightful part, in this beautiful collective conscious collaboration of life together.